• CHINA! by C.FANG, et al. (2024)
  • CHINA! by C.FANG, et al. (2024)
  • CHINA! by C.FANG, et al. (2024)
  • CHINA! by C.FANG, et al. (2024)
  • CHINA! by C.FANG, et al. (2024)
  • CHINA! by C.FANG, et al. (2024)

CHINA! by C.FANG, et al. (2024)

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CHINA! by C.FANG, et al.

An extended meditation on virtue, love, beauty, affect, Confucianism, machine translation, and the experience of being a Chinese girl online. CHINA! is a documentation of the collective literary phenomenon known affectionately as 'Chineseposting', featuring texts produced over 2021-2024 by various contributors assembled with found images from Xiaohonghshu, with a translator's introduction by Michael Dragovic.

对美德、爱、美、情感、儒家思想、机器翻译以及作为一个中国女孩的在线经历的深入思考。迈克尔·德拉戈维奇 (Michael Dragovic) 的译者介绍关于被亲切地称为“中国邮报”的集体文学现象。

We’re an embodiment. We're God's little warriors. We're network kommandos. We're whitepilled. We're lawyered up in the court of clout. We're live laugh lovers. We put all our points into karma and love. We’re microdosers. We’re models. We’re CDjs. We’re supplement freaks. We're Wired, we're Not in Employment Education or Training. We're viral cryptoxillionaires. We don't have to try. We're the new art. 
Remilia will save the internet. Remilia is a manifesto. Remilia is an institution. Remilia is a self-organization. Remilia is a lifestyle brand. Remilia is a master-planned community. Remilia is an investment fund. Remilia is an artist's colony. Remilia is a crowdfunded video game. Remilia is an autonomous smart contract. Remilia is an independent record label. Remilia is a community center for the digital village.